Written Documents and Studies

1947Preliminary Observations on Silver Creek by Forrest Hauck, Idaho Fish and Game. Summary
1948History of Fishing Regulations on Silver Creek Summary
1950Results of Tagging Study on Silver Creek by Forrest R. Hauck Summary
1953Evaluation of Streamflow Records in Big Wood River Basin by R.P. Jones Summary
1953Silver Creek Closure Report by James C. Simpson Summary
1953Observations from 1953 of Aquatic Vegetation in Silver Creek by James C. Simpson Summary
1956Silver Creek Stream Improvement by Robert B. Irving Summary
1959Ground-Water Resources of the Middle Big Wood and Silver Creek Area by R.O. Smith Summary
1959Geohydrologic Evaluation of Streamflow Records in the Big Wood River Basin, Idaho. Rex O. SmithSummary
1962Quaternary Geology of the Bellevue area in Blaine and Camas Counties, Idaho by Schmidt, Dwight Lyman Summary
1963Silver Creek Evaluation Study by Stacy V. Gebbards, Fisheries Biologist Summary
1965Silver Creek Fishery Investigation by R.J. Bell Summary
1966Silver Creek Evaluation Study by Robert J. Bell, Fisheries Biologist Summary
1972Water Resources of the Big Wood River and Silver Creek Area by Paul M. Castelin and Sherl L. Chapman Summary
1975Evapotranspiration and Climatic Data for the Silver Creek-Bellevue Triangle Blaine County, Idaho by James L. Wright USDA Summary
1975Effects of Urbanization on the Water Resources of the Sun Valley Ketchum Area by  P. M. Castelin and J. E. Winner Summary
1976Idaho Fish and Game Quarterly Report, Silver Creek Fisheries Investigations-Food Availability and Utilization by Trout by J. Mallet Summary
1976The Herpetology of Silver Creek by Donald S. Sias Summary
1977Ground Water-Surface Water Relations in the Silver Creek Area by J.A. Moreland Summary
1977A Study of Aquatic Resources of Silver Creek at the Nature Conservancy Site by L. Francis and T.C Bjornn Summary
1977A Preliminary Biophysical Inventory and Management Plan for the Silver Creek Biological Preserve by K. Wiley Summary
1978Idaho Fish and Game Quarterly Report, Survey of Angler Use and Harvest by Jerry Mallet Summary
1978Idaho Fish and Game Report, Project F-66-R by Russ Thurow Fisheries Research Biologist Summary
1978Evaluation of Urbanization and Changes in Land use on the Water Resources of Mountain Valleys  by C.E. Brockway, K.P. Grover Summary
1979A Concept of Natural Vegetation Patterns and Other Observations by W.R. Meiners Summary
1979Management Implications for the Stalker Creek Ranch and Adjacent Silver Creek Preserve, Idaho by W.R. Meiners, E.G. Crosthwaite Summary
1979Aquatic Resources in the Nature Conservancy Portion of Silver Creek by T.C. Bjornn, L.J Francis Summary
1979The Sources and Causes of Sedimentation in Silver Creek by C.Y Manuel, J.S. Griffith and G.W. Minshall Summary
1979The Ecology of Rainbow Trout in Stalker and Grove Creeks by J.S. Griffith Summary
1979Ecology of Great Blue Herons on Silver Creek by N.M. Warren and M.G. Hornocker Summary
1980Report of 1979 Work at Silver Creek by the Idaho Cooperative Fishery Research Unit by T.C. Bjornn Summary
1981-2A Baseline Biological Study of Upper Silver Creek by J.S Griffith, F.L Rose, G.W. Minshall and C.Y. Faler Summary
1981Report for Silver Creek Hunting The Nature Conservancy Summary
1981Fluvial Sediments – a Summary of Source, Transportation, Deposition and Measurement of Sediment Discharge by B. R. Colby Summary
1982Sediment Removal as a Means of Stream Habitat Improvement by J. Griffith and S. Grunder Summary
1982Aquatic Macrophytes, Organic Detritus and Deposited Sediment of Upper Silver Creek, Stalker and Grove Creek by C.Y. Manuel-Faler Summary
1982Benthic Invertebrates of Upper Silver Creek by G.W. Minshall, C. Yvonne Manuel-Faler and J.S. Griffith Summary
1982A Baseline Biological Study of Those Portions of Chaney and Mud Creeks by J.S Griffith, F.L. Rose, G.W. Minshall and C.Y. Faler Summary
1983Stream Restoration by Removal of Sediment by S. Grunder and Dr. J. Griffith Summary
1983Biotic Responses to Removal of Sediment From a Tributary of Silver Creek by S.A. Grunder and J.S. Griffith Summary
1983Effects of Trampling on Stream Biota in Silver Creek by S.A. Grunder Summary
1983The Effects of Cattle Grazing on an Aquatic Stream by Graham M. Osborne Summary
1984Mud Creek Sediment Removal Project Silt Measurement Update by S. Grunder Summary
1985Biotic Responses to Sediment Removal in a Tributary of Silver Creek by Scott Grunder Summary
1985A Baseline Study of That Portion of Wilson Creek by J.D. Freedman and J.S. Griffith Summary
1986Silver Creek Evaluation by Blaine Parker and Mike Riehle, Dept. of Biological Sciences, ISU Summary
1987Is Limited Entry Needed in Catch and Release Trout Fisheries? by J.S. Griffith Summary
1987Additional Silver Creek Research by Mike Riehle and Blaine Parker Summary
1987Habitat Shifts in Rainbow Trout: Competitive Influences of Brown Trout by A.J Gatz Jr, M.J. Sale and J.M Loar Summary
1987Rainbow Trout Populations in Silver Creek Following a Decade of Catch-And-Release Regulations By M.D. Riehle, B.L. Parker, J.S. Griffith Summary
1987Silver Creek Fishery Evaluation by B. Parker and M. Riehle Summary
1988The Management of Exceptional Trout Stream Systems in the US by S.M. Born Summary
1988Silver Creek Fisheries Evaluation by M. Riehle and B. Parker Summary
1989Silver Creek Evaluation by Blaine Parker, Mike Riehle and J.S. Griffith Summary
1990Range, Activity and Habitat of Large, Free-Ranging Brown Trout in a Michigan Stream by D.F. Clapp and R.D. Clark, Jr. Summary
1990The Role of sediment type in growth and fecundity of mud snails (Hydrobiidae) by V. E. Forbes and G. R. Lopez Summary
1990Visiting Hours Only, or: Catch and Release Revisited by D.W. Chapman Summary
1990Water Resources of the Upper Big Wood River Basin by S.A. Frenzel Summary
1992Riparian Vegetation Recovery Patterns Following Stream Channelization: A Geomorphic Perspective by C.R. Hupp Summary
1993Water Quality Monitoring by Dallas Aronson Summary
1993Densities and Habitat Utilization of Wood River Sculpin on Three Nature Conservancy Preserves in Idaho By DR. J.S. Griffith and K. Merkley Summary
1993Changes in Habitat Use and Feeding Chronology of Juvenile Rainbow Trout in Fall and the Onset of Winter in Silver Creek by M.D. Riehle, J.S. Griffith Summary
1993Evaluation of the Brown Trout Population in Upper Silver Creek and an Evaluation of it’s Effect on That Fish Community By Rick Wilkison Summary
1993Recreational Use Analysis of Silver Creek Preserve by C.J. Wasser Summary
1993Genetic Analysis of Rainbow Trout From the Big Wood River and Trail Creek, Blaine County, Idaho by R.N. Williams and D.K. Shiozawa Summary
1994Hydrologic Evaluation of the Big Wood River and Silver Creek Watersheds Phase 1 By C.E. Brockway, Ph.D., M. Akram Kahlown, Ph.D. Summary
1994Evaluation of the Brown Trout Population in Upper Silver Creek and an Evaluation of it’s Effect on That Fish Community By Rick Wilkison Summary
1994Silver Creek Preserve Stream Quality Monitoring Summary by Mike Wolter, Paul Todd Summary
1995Silver Creek Preserve Stream Quality Monitoring Executive Summary by R. Valli and E. Watters Summary
1996Silver Creek Whirling Disease Survey by Richard Spall, Ph.D., Wade Foster, and Jack Griffith, Ph.D. Summary
1996Brown Trout Predation in Silver Creek a Masters Thesis by Richard Wilkinson Summary
1996Preliminary Investigation Report for Silver Creek Watershed by USDA for Blaine Soil Conservation District Summary
1996Wood River Sculpin, Distribution in the Wood River Valley by J.S. Griffith Summary
1997Contrasting Movement and Activity of Large Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in Silver Creek by M.K. Young, R.A. Wilkison, J.M. Phelps lll, J.S Griffith Summary
1997Conservation Strategy for Big Wood River Basin Wetlands by Mabel Jankovsky-Jones Conservation Data Center Summary
1997Kilpatrick Pond Enhancement Project by Confluence Consulting, Inc. Scott Gillilan and Jim Lovell Summary
1998Pesticides and the Silver Creek Preserve, an Assessment for Testing by Paul Todd Summary
1998Estimates of the Economic Impact of Recreation at the Silver Creek Preserve by L. Norman Summary
1999Hydrologic Evaluation of the Big Wood River and Silver Creek Watersheds Phase 2 by A.B. Wetzstein, C.W. Robinson, P.E., C.E. Brockway, P.E., Ph.D. Summary
1999Irrigation Diversion Fish Loss Reduction by D.J. Megargle Summary
2000Hydrologic Evaluation of the Big Wood and Silver Creek Watersheds by A.Lee Brown, Jr. Ph. D. Summary
2000Thermal Tolerances of two Stream Invertebrates Exposed to Diurnally Varying Temperature by T.J. Cox and J.C. Rutherford Summary
2000Rainbow Trout Genetics in Silver Creek by Richard N. Williams, Madison S. Powell and Matthew R. Campbell Summary
2000Lepidoptera Species Collected at Silver Creek Preserve by A.D. Warren Summary
2001Fine Sediment Effects on Feeding and Growth in the Invertebrate Grazers by N. Brokhuizen, S. Parker and D. Miller Summary
2001Nitrates in Ground Water a Continuing Issue for Idaho Citizens by D. West Summary
2001Augmented Flows in Silver Creek by A. Lee Brown, Jr. Ph.D. Summary
2001Does distance from shore affect the degree of plant cover? : Silver Creek Preserve vs. Silver Creek West by Dr. D. Mansfield, A.M. Emery, S.L. Littlefield Summary
2001Spatial Distribution of Three Snail Species, Including the Invader Potamopyrgus Antipodarum in a Freshwater Spring by D.C. Richards, L.D. Gazier, G.T. Lester Summary
2001-2Additional Water Quality Data for Silver Creek by Lee Brown, Ph.D Summary
2002Report on Water Quality Data, and Research Activity in Blaine County, Idaho by A. Lee Brown, Jr. Ph.D. Summary
2002New Zealand Mudsnail in the Western USA Conference 2002 by C.A. Cada and B.L Kerans Summary
2002Facilitation of Native Stream Fauna by an Invading Species? by E.S.G. Schreiber, P.S. Lake and G.P. Quinn Summary
2003Silver Creek Symposium by Nature Conservancy of Idaho Summary
2003Survey of the invasive New Zealand Mudsnail in Silver Creek by David C. Richards and Gary T. Lester Summary
2003Ecological Implications of and Control Methods for Leafy Spurge in Idaho by A. M Emery and Dr. E. Yensen Summary
2003Exotic snails dominate nitrogen and carbon cycling in a highly productive stream by R.O. Hall, J. L. Tank and M. F. Dybdahl Summary
2003Blaine County Evaluation and Assessment of Nitrogen Sources by J.B, Connolly, K.E. Lopez-Bernal and D.L. Shaffer Summary
2004Silver Creek Water Quality Monitoring Protocol by A. Lee Brown, Jr. Ph.D. Summary
2004Simple Control Method to Limit the Spread of the New Zealand Mudsnail by D.C. Richards, P. O’Connell, D.C. Shinn Summary
2004Stalker Creek Beaver Pond Management and Restoration by Brad Shoger Summary
2004Reed Canarygrass, Control and Management in the Pacific Northwest by M. Tu Summary
2004Idaho Fish Game night shock study on TNC property Summary
2005A Study of the effects of age and size on the development of resistance to whirling disease by E. Ryce, A. Zale, E. MaConnell, M. Nelson Summary
2005New Zealand mud snail notes from Bozeman MT conference 2005 Summary
2005Facts on Silver Creek by The Nature Conservancy Summary
2005Birds of Silver Creek by The Nature Conservancy Summary
2006Historical Sedimentation and Sediment Transport Characteristics of Silver Creek, Idaho by Ross Perrigo Summary
2006Parasite Causing Whirling Disease Could be Transmitted Via Fishing Waders Summary
2007Water-Resource Trends and Comparisons Between Partial-Development and October 2006 Hydrologic Conditions by K.D. Skinner, J.R. Bartolino, A.W. Tranmer Summary
2007Reed Canarygrass Distribution at the Nature Conservancy’s Silver Creek Preserve by E. August, P. Hook, K. Salsbury Summary
2007Kilpatrick Pond and Dam Restoration Feasibility Study-Final Report by Gillilan Associates, Inc Summary
2007Investigations of the Invasive New Zealand mudsnail and Implications for Temperature Limitations by Christopher A. James Summary
2007A Biological Assessment of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Silver Creek Watershed by Nicholas M. Whitaker Summary
2008Idaho Fish & Game Fish Survey of Silver and Stalker Creeks for 2007 Summary
2008Streamside Revegetation and Reed Canarygrass Suppression at Silver Creek Preserve by Paul Hook and Jeffery Klausmann, Intermountain Aquatics, Inc Summary
2009Ground-Water Budgets for the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho, 1995–2004 by James R. Bartolino Summary
2010Silver Creek Watershed An Ecological Enhancement Strategy for Silver Creek, Idaho by Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Summary
20112011 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Summary
2011Dynamics of New Zealand mudsnail infestations and seasonal water temperatures in intermountain North America by C.M. Moffitt C.A. James Summary
20122012 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Summary
2012Bellevue Hydrogeologic Framework of the Wood River Valley Aquifer System, South-Central Idaho by USGS Summary
2012Quality of Groundwater and Surface Water, Wood River Valley, South-Central Idaho, July and August 2012 by USGS Summary
2012Relative Influence of Physical and Anthropogenic Variables on Instream Habitat in Silver Creek by Briana Corry Schultz Summary
2013Groundwater Resources of the Wood River Valley, Idaho: A Groundwater-Flow Model for Resource Management by USGS Summary
20132013 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Summary
2013Geologic Map of Blaine County Summary
2013Integrated Hydrologic Model of the Wood River Valley and Stream Temperature Model of  the Silver Creek Basin by Maria C. Loina Summary
2014Nature Conservancy Rainbow and Brown trout redd counts (ongoing) Summary
20142014 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Foundation Summary
20152015 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
20162016 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Summary
2016Idaho Department of Water Resources Summary of Ground Water Conditions in the Big Wood River Ground Water Area 2016 Update by: Allan Wylie Summary
20172017 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Summary
2017Macroinvertebrate Communities Evaluated Prior to and Following a Channel Restoration Project in Silver Creek, Blaine County, Idaho, 2001–16- USGS Summary
20182018 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem Sciences Summary
20192019 Annual Silver Creek Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
20202020 Silver Creek Assessment Full Report by Rio-ASE for TNC and SCASummary
20202020 Silver Creek Annual Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
2021South Valley Ground Water District Hydrology ReportSummary
2021Wood River Basin IDWR Observations and Conclusions 2021Summary
20212021 Silver Creek Annual Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
2022 2022 Silver Creek Annual Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
20232023 Silver Creek Annual Report by Ecosystem SciencesSummary
2024Trout Unlimited 2024 Presentation